Sky Diving Sky Diving Basics 1

Published on July 19th, 2014 | by Arp Smith


Sky Diving Basics

To many, sky diving is one of the most breathtaking and exuberant experiences a person could ever experience. So long as he or she is not afraid of heights, the person is surely going to have a great time and an even greater story to tell friends.The best way to describe sky diving is to call it an “event.” It’s not really a test of skill so much as it is a test of mettle. The thrill of diving down from the sky to the Earth, many thousands of feet in the air, the wind blowing in your face, only to drift down to safety with your parachute, is something that you will never be able to emulate with any pedestrian earthbound activities. With a death rate of only 0.00007% in 2010, it’s one of the safest things you can do with yourself. Safer than getting into a car, that’s for sure.

Sky Diving Basics 2

For more information on how to get started with skydiving, please visit the link below.

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